Thinking allowed

Cathedral Evensong

Gerry Lynch writes Why is Cathed­ral Even­song Grow­ing and What Does It Mean? — an art­icle that was pub­lished in the May/June 2014 edi­tion of Salis­bury Cathed­ral News.

He con­cludes:

Even­song is not neces­sar­ily undemand­ing. It gives tre­mend­ous space for daily study of Scrip­ture, and dis­cip­lined pray­er sus­tain­ing a life of Chris­ti­an service.

Maybe Chor­al Even­song needs to grow in depth and geo­graphy. Can we help more par­ish churches provide a week­day Even­song, per­haps weekly in lar­ger towns and monthly in rur­al areas? And can we help people grow in depth and know­ledge of faith when we see them mainly across the choir on Tues­day nights, and nev­er on a Sunday?


  • Frank Nichols says:

    I seem to rem­emem­ber under can­on law that it is the duty of every Par­ish Priest to ensure that the Daily Offices are said in the Par­ish Church. Rather, that he/she should say them. If they can be sung, even better!
    (and the bell should be tolled to let the Par­ish know that their priest is doing what he is for – and that they can join the priest if they wish.)
    It is very wor­ry­ing that so many new deacons/priests have not exper­i­enced the daily office in their form­a­tion as the key stone of their pray­ing life, and so few Churches advert­ise the daily office.
    So every Par­ish Church in unity with its cathed­ral, and its Bish­op, should be the loc­a­tion of the calm quiet recit­a­tion of the Divine Office. It is anoth­er place where we allow ourselves to get caught up in the etern­al wor­ship of God ON BEHALF of all who live around us in the Par­ish or the Diocese

  • Murdoch says:

    Sunday after­noons at 4pm (EST) Even­song from Christ Church Cathed­ral in Montreal is car­ried on Radio Via Marie:
    One can listen on the Internet. 

    Grace Church Cathed­ral in San Fran­cisco also offers Even­song on the Web:

    And there’s Even­song from the BBC from a dif­fer­ent church every week:

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