Thinking allowed

More Canadian trial liturgy

I noted earli­er the pub­lic­a­tion by the Anglic­an Church of Canada of tri­al Year A Col­lects ‘from Pente­cost to the Reign of Christ’.

The Cana­dian Church has added con­sid­er­ably more resources to that page in the inter­ven­ing peri­od. It now contains

  • Morn­ing and Even­ing Pray­er: Advent, Christ­mas and Epiphany
  • Tri­al Use Litur­gic­al Psalter
  • Tri­al Use Col­lects and Sea­son­al Pray­ers over the Gifts and after Com­mu­nion from Advent to the Bap­tism of Christ — Year B
  • Tri­al Use Col­lects and Sea­son­al Pray­ers over the Gifts and after Com­mu­nion from Advent to the Bap­tism of Christ — Year A
  • Tri­al Use Col­lects from Pente­cost to the Reign of Christ — Year A

In the Cana­dian Church each dio­ces­an bish­op can author­ize the this mater­i­al for tri­al use in their dio­cese, and the task Force encour­ages feed­back on their use.

(Thanks to Rod Gil­lis for draw­ing my atten­tion to the new mater­i­al. As before, I wel­come read­ers send­ing sug­ges­tions of suit­able links either by email or as a com­ment on an exist­ing article.)


  • Rod Gillis says:

    A ” com­ment lite” as I have used the daily office mater­i­al for Advent, Xmas, Epi­phany, without delving much into the sources. The mater­i­al groups the D.O. mater­i­al around sea­son­al themes. It is easi­er to use than is the mater­i­al in the 1985 Altern­at­ive Cana­dian Book. The lat­ter tends towards “more time taken to look up what should be said, than say­ing it when it has been found”. 

    The affirm­a­tion of faith sec­tions, con­tin­ues with the prac­tice of allow­ing the Hear O Israel as an altern­at­ive to the Apostles Creed. I like the option. Inter­est­ing that the Hear O Israel which has a didact­ic func­tion in the open­ing of the Cana­dian BCP Com­mu­nion order is now in the affirm­a­tion of faith sec­tion in the D.O.. I like that! The new D.O. also adds a third altern­at­ive ( see below for example) which is cer­tainly interesting. 

    Hav­ing said all this, I con­tin­ue to prefer a resource I’ve been using for some time ( sup­ple­men­ted with the lec­tion­ary) which is, The Rhythm of Life; Celt­ic Daily Pray­er by Dav­id Adam.

    The fol­low­ing example is from the the affirm­a­tion of belief section:

    “It is not true that we must accept
    inhu­man­ity and dis­crim­in­a­tion, hun­ger and poverty,
    death and destruction.
    This is true: The deaf hear, the dead are raised to life,
    the poor are hear­ing the good news.
    It is not true that viol­ence and hatred
    should have the last word
    and that war and destruc­tion have come to stay forever.
    This is true: Death shall be no more,
    neither shall there be mourn­ing nor cry­ing nor pain any more.…” etc.*

    *Alan Boe­sak as quoted by Janet Mor­ley, ed., Bread for Tomor­row: Pray­ers for the Church Year (1992), 31.

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