The Liturgical Commission has provided prayers and other material for a number of forthcoming occasions.
These are:
The text of the material for the first three is in the full post. The material for Edith Cavell is separated into a post of its own.
On the baptism of Princess Charlotte of Cambridge: 5 July
Faithful God,
we thank you for your love,
and for your presence at every stage of our lives.
We pray for Princess Charlotte.
Fill her Christening day with joy and celebration.
As she is baptised into the Christian faith,
strengthen and support her parents and godparents.
Through their love and prayers,
help her to know your love and care
surrounding her now and always.
We ask this in the name of Jesus.
Prayer for Hiroshima
commemorating the dropping of the first atomic bomb on the 6 August, 1945 (Feast of the Transfiguration)
God, you are the Father of all the families of the earth,
and call the nations to live in peace and unity.
We remember with sorrow the devastating destruction and death
unleashed on this day upon the city of Hiroshima,
and later upon the city of Nagasaki.
We pray for the people of Japan,
and all whose lives are disfigured by war.
We pray for ourselves,
the often unwise stewards of the powers of the universe.
Transfigure the lives and cities scarred by conflict
by the revealing of your glory
and move us by your uncreated energies
to advance your sovereign purpose of peace.
This we ask in the name of Jesus Christ,
our light and our salvation. Amen.
A Prayer for VJ Day
God our Father,
in the dying and rising of your Son Jesus Christ,
you have brought life and salvation out of cruelty and death.
We mark Victory in Japan
in gratitude for the courage of the Allied forces
who suffered for freedom in the Far East campaign
and in sorrow for all that hinders the coming of your kingdom of peace.
Give us wisdom to learn from the bitter memories of war,
and hearts that long for the unity of all nations.
We ask all this in the name of Jesus,
in whom there is no east or west, no north or south,
but one fellowship of love across the whole earth.
A Prayer for Peace and Reconciliation
Heavenly Father,
you have called us in the Body of your Son Jesus Christ
to continue his work of reconciliation
and reveal you to the world.
Forgive us the sins which tear us apart;
give us the courage to overcome our fears
and to seek that unity which is your gift and your will;
through Jesus Christ our Lord.
[Common Worship: Times and Seasons, p 140]