Thinking allowed

martyrdom in the Solomon Islands

ACNS reports that the funer­als have taken place of the sev­en mem­bers of the Melane­sian Broth­er­hood who met their deaths earli­er this year in Guadal­canal (see reports here and here).

Post mortems indic­ate that Broth­er Nath­aniel Sado was tor­tured and died from the wounds inflic­ted over sev­er­al days. Of the six Broth­ers who went to invest­ig­ate his dis­ap­pear­ance, three were shot and killed upon arrival, and the oth­er three were beaten and tor­tured and then shot the next day.

The report describes the funer­al of Br Robin Lind­say, atten­ded by the fam­il­ies of the murdered Broth­ers, as well as the Gov­ernor Gen­er­al, the Prime Min­is­ter, and also the Arch­bish­op and hun­dreds of others.

May they rest in peace!