(The Coronation of Queen Victoria, 1838, painted by Sir George Hayter; Royal Collection Trust)
Last week I participated in a “colloquium” organized by Praxis on the subject of the Coronation, giving an introductory talk on the elements of the service or liturgy at previous coronations. (We don’t yet have details of the 2023 service.) The other major presenter was the Very Revd Dr David Hoyle, the Dean of Westminster, who is closely involved in the planning and will be a major participant at the service.
The slides I used at that talk can be found here, in two versions – a large illustrated version and a small version with no illustrations.
Both versions contain some notes, and they can also be read in conjunction with my earlier post on the Coronation liturgy.
Additionally a recording of the colloquium is available on YouTube. My section starts at about 7 minutes in – do watch all the recording if you have time.