Thinking allowed

joining the Ely Diocesan Association

With Sue Bates, and Car­oline and Car­rie-Anne Armes, I atten­ded the AGM of the Hunt­ing­don Dis­trict of the Ely Dio­ces­an Asso­ci­ation of Church Bell­ringers. Sue, Jenny and I were elec­ted mem­bers of the Asso­ci­ation, which requires reas­on­able com­pet­ency at ringing a bell.


Ringing in the New Year

New Year’s Day: at 11.20am we rang the bells at St Ives to cel­eb­rate the New Year, fol­lowed by a lunch party for ringers from the area.

By this stage I could ring reas­on­ably well in rounds on a num­ber of bells, and could ring a ten­or cov­er to a Triples meth­od. I could also ring ‘called changes’, but not always correctly.