Thinking allowed

Plain hunting

Prac­tice at H Grey. Amongst oth­er things I plain-hunted on treble to: Plain Bob Triples (easy by num­bers); Sted­man Triples [Cor­rec­tion: I couldn’t have been plain hunt­ing on the treble in Sted­man Triples, because Sted­man doesn’t have the treble plain hunt­ing; prob­ably I meant that I was ringing the ten­or cov­er to this meth­od — rather dif­fer­ent! per­haps Grand­sire Triples?]; and hard­est of all, to St Simon’s Triples.

In St Simon’s the order of the bells is dif­fer­ent com­ing down to the front from the order going up to the back, which means that I had to do it by ‘count­ing my place’ rather than by num­bers. I more or less man­aged it (and didn’t lose my place), which must mean that my ‘rope sight’ in Triples is nearly there. Going up to the back is fairly easy (using the prin­ciple ‘fol­low the bell that fol­lowed you’). On the way down to the front I can see 7th place, 6th place (only one oth­er rope left), just about see 5th place (two oth­er ropes left), 2nd place (one rope gone down), and just about 3rd place (two ropes gone down) — and try and ring some­where right for 4th place!


rapid promotion

We held anoth­er ringers’ meet­ing: Bob King was elec­ted Tower Cap­tain, and I was elec­ted Tower Vice Cap­tain. Sue Bates had earli­er been chosen as Sec­ret­ary so we now have a prop­er set of officers for our new band. Bob King was a mem­ber of the earli­er band, so again, there is con­tinu­ity with that band, as well as the neces­sary exper­i­ence of these ringers. We would be hard pressed to ring without them.