Thinking allowed

About Thinking allowed

I’m Simon Ker­shaw and I recently retired after work­ing in the soft­ware industry for sev­er­al dec­ades, mostly in Cam­bridge, before which I read phys­ics at Oxford. I still write soft­ware and main­tain web­sites in my free time. I’ve been mar­ried to Kar­en for over 35 years, and we have two adult chil­dren and two grand­chil­dren. Kar­en and I are long-time mem­bers of All Saints’ Church, St Ives, where Kar­en sings in the choir, I’m a serv­er and bell ringer – and we are both PCC mem­bers. I’m also Lay Chair of the Ely dio­ces­an syn­od, a lay can­on of Ely Cathed­ral and a mem­ber of the Litur­gic­al Com­mis­sion of the Church of England.

Think­ing allowed is a place for me to write occa­sion­al pieces on top­ics that take my interest. Over the last 15 years this has largely been about liturgy and bell­ringing, but in the future I shall prob­ably include oth­er sub­jects, such as issues of social justice and lib­er­al Chris­tian­ity; church archi­tec­ture; com­puter soft­ware; typo­graphy, books, her­aldry, Little Gid­ding, and per­haps oth­er stuff too.

The title alludes to the Think­ing Anglic­ans blog, which I have helped run since it began in 2003. It indic­ates that the import­ant things in life — faith and mor­als, polit­ics, art, even work, have to be thought about and con­sidered crit­ic­ally, not just accep­ted without debate: we are allowed to think. It’s also, of course, a pun on the idea that here I am simply think­ing aloud — that these are often just rough, unfin­ished thoughts.