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Church Clocks

A tower clock is a fea­ture of many church towers in Eng­land. Some date back to the Middle Ages, but many were installed by the Vic­tori­ans. The one in St Ives is a mix­ture of 19th-cen­tury pre­ci­sion engin­eer­ing, late 20th-cen­tury elec­tro-mech­an­ics, and early 21st-cen­tury elec­tron­ics that sits almost inac­cess­ible near the top of the church tower, where few people get to see it.
In recent years I seem to have acquired the job of sort­ing out vari­ous minor hic­cups with this clock and chimes. Hav­ing recently had to climb the tower a fair num­ber of times to sort out the chimes, I have writ­ten a guide to fix­ing the sorts of things that go wrong every now and then. You can find the guide here.