Thinking allowed


Think­ing allowed is hos­ted by Jus­tus, and runs on Word­Press on FreeBSD.

The TA theme was developed in-house for Think­ing Anglic­ans, based on Tania Ras­cia’s blog Devel­op­ing a Word­Press Theme from Scratch, and built on Boot­strap.

The Think­ing allowed masthead is set in Sophia and Skia, using web­font tech­no­logy. These types were both designed by Mat­thew Carter, who writes:

Sophia was inspired by let­ters cut and writ­ten dur­ing the cen­tury or two that fol­lowed the fall of Rome. Clas­sic­al ortho­doxy came under the influ­ence of for­eign cul­tures; the alpha­bet, in flux, mixed Greek and uncial with its Roman forms. This peri­od strikes me as rather like our own – cos­mo­pol­it­an, recept­ive, diverse.

The text of the pages is set in Verd­ana, which was also designed by Mat­thew Carter, with the head­ings in Skia.

Simon Ker­shaw