Thinking allowed

Prayers for 31 May 1953 (before the Coronation)

This little book­let was issued in 1953 “by Com­mand of the Queen”. It was prin­ted by the roy­al print­ers (Eyre and Spot­tis­woode) and pub­lished by them and the oth­er two priv­ileged presses (OUP and CUP) togeth­er with SPCK, and provided forms of ser­vice for churches to use on the Sunday before the Queen’s Coron­a­tion on Thursday 3 June.

The 16-page book­let con­tains forms for Morn­ing Pray­er, Holy Com­mu­nion, and Even­ing Pray­er, togeth­er with vari­ous pray­ers and thanks­giv­ings, and a selec­tion of suit­able hymns.

(Click on each of the images below for a full-size image.)