Thinking allowed

Life's Solution

Life’s Solu­tion is the title of a new book by Simon Con­way Mor­ris, Pro­fess­or of Evol­u­tion­ary Palaeo­bi­o­logy at Cam­bridge Uni­ver­sity. The sub­title Inev­it­able Humans in a Lonely Uni­verse encap­su­lates what seems to be the book’s cent­ral thes­is: that on an earth­like plan­et, the pat­terns of evol­u­tion are such that they will even­tu­ally bring intel­li­gent life into being, but that there are pre­cious few earth­like plan­ets in the universe.

I plan to make fur­ther com­ments as I read the book; mean­while you can buy it here — it looks well worth a read, though it’s a fairly demand­ing work.



martyrdom in the Solomon Islands

ACNS reports a ser­vice of thanks­giv­ing for the lives of the Melane­sian Broth­ers recently murdered in the Solomon Islands.

A Ser­vice of Thanks­giv­ing for the lives of Broth­er Robin Lind­say and his com­pan­ions — the sev­en Melane­sian Broth­ers murdered in the Solomon Islands – will take place at St Philip’s Church, Earls Court Road, Lon­don W8, on Thursday 18 Septem­ber at 5pm. The ser­vice will be fol­lowed by a recep­tion from 6pm – 7pm, dur­ing which an ecu­men­ic­al announce­ment will be made.

Arch­bish­op James Ayong, Prim­ate of the Anglic­an Church of Pap­ua New Guinea, and the Rt Revd Roger Jupp, Bish­op of Popondota, will be present.

Fur­ther inform­a­tion, and details of some oth­er ser­vices (includ­ing ser­vices at Chester Cathed­ral and Little St Mary’s Cam­bridge), may be found at the PNGCP web site.


Plain Bob Minor

For a few weeks, stretch­ing over the inter­rup­ted prac­tices of sum­mer, I have been ringing bell num­ber 2 at a plain course of bob doubles (with a ten­or cov­er). Tonight I had a go at bob minor, where the inter­rup­tions to plain hunt­ing are dodges at 3/4 down, then 5/6 down, 5/6 up, 3/4 up, and make 2nds. We did two courses — I pretty much kept my place through­out the first, and began to lose my place halfway through the second. That is, I knew where I was, but I was mis-remem­ber­ing where to dodge. I knew I was doing this and also real­ized that if I car­ried on I would come to lead in the right place, which is indeed what happened. For­tu­nately the ringers around me knew pretty much what they were doing.

Earli­er in the sum­mer, anoth­er ‘land­mark’ reached was super­vising a less-exper­i­enced ringer ringing up — I did this on two sep­ar­ate occa­sions (for two dif­fer­ent ringers), and each time I first helped them con­trol the rope, and then more or less took over from them. Per­haps not the best thing for them, but good for my hand-eye co-ordination!


Future Shape of Church

In his web­site Future Shape of Church Edward Green, an ordin­and at West­cott House, Cam­bridge, explores what it means to be Chris­ti­an in a post-mod­ern world. This devel­op­ing web­site con­tains a num­ber of inter­est­ing essays, includ­ing one on sexu­al­ity and anoth­er on the need for the exist­ence of God: ‘reli­gion,’ he writes, ‘is a thing of value that can exist inde­pend­ent of the actu­al­ity of a divine being’. The site also includes essays and ser­mons by oth­ers, includ­ing Dr Fraser Watts, Star­bridge Lec­turer in Theo­logy and Sci­ence at Cam­bridge University.


martyrdom in the Solomon Islands

Yes­ter­day and today, ACNS, the Anglic­an Com­mu­nion News Ser­vice, has announced and giv­en details of the murder of six mem­bers of the Melane­sian Broth­er­hood, in the Solomon Islands.

The six were Broth­ers Robin Lind­say, Fran­cis Tofi, Alfred Hilly, Ini Ini Part­abatu, Patteson Gatu, and Tony. May they rest in peace.

They were taken host­age by rebels in April after they had gone to invest­ig­ate the repor­ted murder of anoth­er broth­er, Nath­aniel Sado, and to retrieve his body.

We remem­ber those who give their lives in the ser­vice of Christ and their fel­lows, pray­ing for their fam­il­ies, for the Melane­sian Broth­er­hood, and for the people of the Solomon Islands.


First Quarter Peal

On Sunday morn­ing, 6 July 2003, at the Church of All Saints, St Ives,
Cam­bridge­shire, a Quarter Peal of 1260 Doubles (Grand­sire and Plain
Bob) was rung in 52 minutes. 
Weight of Ten­or: 12–0‑4 in G 
*Susan Bates Treble Michael V White 5
Mari­anne Baker 2 Chris­toper R Armes 6
Richard C Smith 3 *Simon Ker­shaw 7
Har­old S King 4 John Mar­low Ten­or
Con­duc­ted by Michael V White
* First Quarter Peal. Rung with 7,6,8 covering.
Rung for the Con­firm­a­tion and Sung Eucharist
cel­eb­rated by Keith, Bish­op of Richborough

Plain hunting

Prac­tice at H Grey. Amongst oth­er things I plain-hunted on treble to: Plain Bob Triples (easy by num­bers); Sted­man Triples [Cor­rec­tion: I couldn’t have been plain hunt­ing on the treble in Sted­man Triples, because Sted­man doesn’t have the treble plain hunt­ing; prob­ably I meant that I was ringing the ten­or cov­er to this meth­od — rather dif­fer­ent! per­haps Grand­sire Triples?]; and hard­est of all, to St Simon’s Triples.

In St Simon’s the order of the bells is dif­fer­ent com­ing down to the front from the order going up to the back, which means that I had to do it by ‘count­ing my place’ rather than by num­bers. I more or less man­aged it (and didn’t lose my place), which must mean that my ‘rope sight’ in Triples is nearly there. Going up to the back is fairly easy (using the prin­ciple ‘fol­low the bell that fol­lowed you’). On the way down to the front I can see 7th place, 6th place (only one oth­er rope left), just about see 5th place (two oth­er ropes left), 2nd place (one rope gone down), and just about 3rd place (two ropes gone down) — and try and ring some­where right for 4th place!


rapid promotion

We held anoth­er ringers’ meet­ing: Bob King was elec­ted Tower Cap­tain, and I was elec­ted Tower Vice Cap­tain. Sue Bates had earli­er been chosen as Sec­ret­ary so we now have a prop­er set of officers for our new band. Bob King was a mem­ber of the earli­er band, so again, there is con­tinu­ity with that band, as well as the neces­sary exper­i­ence of these ringers. We would be hard pressed to ring without them.


Calling changes

Michael tried get­ting me to call some changes. First call­ing the treble up over each oth­er bell (to 7th), then 2 over the oth­ers etc, until it comes back into rounds.

Later he had me try and call to ‘Queen’s’ (13572468) but I couldn’t get my head around this at the time.

As usu­al, a bit of think­ing after the prac­tice reveals that you need to call 6 up one place over 7, 4 up two places over 5 and 7, and 2 up 3 places over 3, 5 and 7; and then get them back of course.


a band of ringers

This month, for the first time we held a ringers’ meet­ing to form­ally change the sig­nat­or­ies on the Tower bank account. Sue Bates and I became sig­nat­or­ies. John Mar­low remained as a sig­nat­ory from the pre­vi­ous ringers, so that there is offi­cially con­tinu­ity with that band.