Thinking allowed

joining the Ely Diocesan Association

With Sue Bates, and Car­oline and Car­rie-Anne Armes, I atten­ded the AGM of the Hunt­ing­don Dis­trict of the Ely Dio­ces­an Asso­ci­ation of Church Bell­ringers. Sue, Jenny and I were elec­ted mem­bers of the Asso­ci­ation, which requires reas­on­able com­pet­ency at ringing a bell.


Ringing in the New Year

New Year’s Day: at 11.20am we rang the bells at St Ives to cel­eb­rate the New Year, fol­lowed by a lunch party for ringers from the area.

By this stage I could ring reas­on­ably well in rounds on a num­ber of bells, and could ring a ten­or cov­er to a Triples meth­od. I could also ring ‘called changes’, but not always correctly.


Ringing on a Sunday

Sunday 3 Novem­ber 2002 All Saints’ Sunday: today we rang the bells after the main Sunday ser­vice, the first time that the new band of ringers, assisted by oth­ers, had rung the bells for wor­ship. Sev­er­al people rang at least a few pulls, includ­ing Jenny and me, togeth­er with Sue Bates, and (if I remem­ber cor­rectly) Car­rie-Anne Armes, Chris Steph­ens, Andy Walk­er, and per­haps some others.


Making a noise

After five les­sons at St Ives, we — Jenny and I — went to prac­tice at Hem­ing­ford Grey. First time ringing an untied bell (that makes a sound) and first time at try­ing to ring rounds.


Learning to ring bells

First prac­tice ses­sion at St Ives. Using a tied bell (i.e. the clap­per is strapped in place so that it doesn’t hit the bell and ring) a group of 5 or 6 begin­ners prac­tised back­strokes. Michael White, tower cap­tain at Hem­ing­ford Grey, assisted by his wife Brid­get, was the teach­er, super­vising us, ringing the hand­strokes, and ensur­ing noth­ing went wrong, or res­cuing us if it did.


Ever wanted to ring bells?

For some time at St Ives there has been no reg­u­lar ringing of the church bells. At long last some­thing will be done about this, and Michael White, tower cap­tain at neigh­bour­ing Hem­ing­ford Grey, has offered to teach a new band.

So this morn­ing, after Church, Jenny and I stayed behind to hear what Michael had to say. I sup­pose nearly a dozen oth­ers were there too.

Michael set up a bell (num­ber 5) at back­stroke, and then we each, under his super­vi­sion, pulled it down, Michael catch­ing the sally and re-set­ting the bell.

We agreed to start learn­ing how to do this, so that our bells can once again sound out reg­u­larly to announce wor­ship and oth­er cel­eb­ra­tions at the Church. First prac­tice, tomor­row night.